Magelandia | new Kingdom Builders


new Kingdom Builders

Cooperative challenge to

build a new Kingdom within

the aged Greylord dominion

A spacious boardgame to

explore, discover and spread

the emerging message about

the inspiring evoLutionary

changes within our personal

 and shared Human Life.

“Play is the highest

  form of research.”

[ A. Einstein ]

Child Growth | evoLutionary Whole


growing within Whole

The Game tells the symbolic

Story to support the child in

building of base understanding

about Human being, Life and the

World as a meaning-full whole

with it’s purpose and natural

 path of evoLutionary growth.

Next Parenting | facilitating Full growth


supporting Growth

The Game provides a unique

symbolic framework to spark

questions and insights about

the innate needs of a child at

the distinct stages of growth

and the particular supportive

 qualities asked from parents.

Adult Growth | evoLutionary Transition


discovering Transitions

The Game is built to hint at

the holographic nature of and

the relationships between the

evoLutionary shifts happening

concurrently in the personal

(“inner”), social and material

 (“outer”) realms of our Life.

Magelandia | new World Creators


inspiring playField

Human Life and World melded

 into symbolic Story, structure,

characters and inter-actions on

 a personal and collective levels.

Collaborative play to support the

evoLutionary shift in Magelandia

by helping dissolve the regulative

and competitive inertia of the

innate (inner and outer) powers.

The Winners are creative Givers

Game reward system is designed

to measure and to appreciate pure

generosity, resource sharing and

 cooperation of the participants.

playGround | dominion of Greylords


dominion of Greylords

Six Greylords have taken

control over all Kingdoms

of Magelandia by exiling and

imprisoning the Kings in the

secret fortresses located in

 the center of Magelandia.

Story | promised KIngdom


promised Kingdom

There is an ancient prophecy

about the six brave Wizards

who will arrive to dissolve the

dominion of Greylords and to

build the New Kingdom in

 the midland of Magelandia.

Action | cooperating Wizards


cooperating Wizards

The Wizards have access to

six types of special resources

allowing them to melt the

dominant power of Greylords

striving to maintain control

 over the whole Magelandia.

liberating Kings | to restore Freedoms


to restore Balance

Brave Wizards support

Knights in liberating their

Kings who regain thrones

and give the power back

to the Villages that was

 stripped by Greylords.

facing Lords | to dissolve the Spells


 to dissolve the Spells

Bright Wizzards help Kings

to remove Greylord spells

that hold the restrictive laws

of Kingdoms in effect giving

the privileges to Greylords

 over Knights and Villages.

into Villages | to acquire Materials


to gather Materials

Grateful Villages provide

Bright Wizards with the six

types of materials that are

necessary for building the

New Kingdom in the White

 Land region of Magelandia.

White Land | the New Kingdom


for New Kingdom

After removing all the spells

the Wizards are stepping

together into the White Land

to build the New Kingdom

through cooperative effort

 and sharing of resources.

Magelandia | new World Creators


shared adVenture

A spacious playground

brings children, families

and friends into an emerging

new Chapter of our shared

evoLutionary Human Story

 to explore our tomorrow.

The Game returns to it’s

root role and function in

our lifes - holding the space

and arranging the time for

learning how to engage

 with the World and Life.